Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Kayla and Diana performing at the 2009 Studio 23 Dinner and Dance!

It's been a super hectic week leading up to our Dinner and Dance on the 14th. It was a lot of fun - when we had time to sit down and breathe! We'll be doing up a post about that soon, but we're still sorting through all the backstage video and waiting on the official footage from BCCK.

We've heard a lot of positive feedback about the night and would like to thank everyone who either attended or supported the event!

In the meantime, though, we've also been organising a series of Flamenco workshops featuring Kayla, Malaysia's top Flamenco dancer! For the last 2 nights she's been at the Studio, and tonight there will be a final workshop, followed by a Flamenco party! Don't miss this chance to hang out and dance with Kayla and the Studio 23 Flamenco dancers - there's no cover charge, so come one, come all!

See you there!

Location: Jambu restaurant
Time: 9.00 p.m. onwards

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